Mystical Experiencer: Male in mid-sixties
Current Location: Canada
Age at time of experience: 61
The first sensation I remember is a feeling that the top of my head had opened up somehow and my mind had quite suddenly become as big as the entire sky. While feeling this sensation, I was looking at distant houses but I knew that I was actually seeing myself.
There were no voices, just a knowing-ness. If I were to put this knowing-ness into words, it would sound something like this: "I am having a very local look at myself through these two eyes." What I realized afterward was that I knew I was looking at myself not just when I saw the houses, but also when I saw the pavement, the telephone poles, the cars, and everything else. But during the experience, these separate items did not have the characteristic of being separate.
I would compare it to looking at yourself in the mirror. When you look at your own face, you don't take notice of the fact that it is made up of eyes, nose, mouth, eyebrows, etc., unless you have a reason to pay attention to particular details. Normally, you just see one whole which you recognize as your face. Similarly, during my experience, all the houses, pavement, cars, etc. lost their differentiation and simply made up a whole which I knew was myself. There was an accompanying feeling of exhilaration, but I would not call it ecstatic. It would be better to call it a profound love.