spiritual awakenings woollacott

Spiritual Awakenings: Scientists and Academics Describe Their Experiences by Marjorie Woollacott and David Lorimer (2022)

Spiritual Awakenings: Scientists and Academics Describe Their Experiences by Marjorie Woollacott and David Lorimer (2022)

spiritual awakenings woollacott

The essays in this volume are an engaging and varied collection of personal insights into individual spiritual awakenings and the resulting transformation in the lives of scientists and academics. Scholars share the experience of their own spiritual awakening and journey, including encountering challenges to their credibility in academia, if they shared these experiences. Their comments about transformation in values, beliefs, and approaches toward life are very moving, expressing a deep inner wisdom and connection, not only with humanity, but with the earth and cosmos.  Spiritual Awakenings: Scientists and Academics Describe Their Experiences is published by The Academy for the Advancement of Postmaterialist Sciences.