Mystical Experiencer: Male in early-seventies
Current location: U.S.A.
Age at time of experience: 31
As I was walking down an empty street in a light misty rain, and I had a voice in my head say, “words do not describe the world, they restrict it”. At that moment I had a feeling of elation come over me. I looked up at the clouds and trees and realized that I “know” them like the back of my hands, and I as I looked down at my hands, I realized I was all that. I experienced the oneness of everything. I saw beyond my words and meanings. I knew in an instant that there is no death, only life. That everything is the same thing.
I have no idea how long this lasted, but as I began to think about what was happening, the feeling left me. But the experience changed me forever. I never looked at anything the same again. I tried to explain this and was very unsuccessful for many years, so decided to write instead. It left me with a constant quiet space in the back of my mind. When I write, I go to that place and the writing always comes thru me.
I learned how to adapt this observing skill into understanding management/leadership/and the quality of making things. I stopped telling people about this, and just used it to see things that others were blind to. I retired from making money 17 years ago and now mostly continue to write.
I have a blog called “wake up Tom Lane”. and I have 3 books that have had limited success. Most people want answers, not a reflection on their own state of being and thinking. And that is fine with me. My last book is called “Perceptual Intelligence” or the intelligence of seeing process and system.