Mystical Experiencer: Male in late eighties
Submission date: February 18, 2022
Current location: U.S.A.
Age at time of experience: 59
Lasted about 20 minutes with detail rapidly diminishing from great to very little over the period. Started with my amazement and desire not to miss a thing then realized it was fading and became confused.
The room was solid bright light and my eyesight was faultless, yet I remember little except a feeling of wonderment and the realization that I was part of the universe and being alive was great!
It was very spiritual in that things did not matter but the realization that I was forgetting as fast as I was trying to remember panicked me.
Immediately after I tried to write what I felt/thought but any notes are long gone.
Afterward I was moved to visit my son in an army facility in Arizona on my way home (NJ) so I flew down to see him. He was in deep depression and after I left he called his mom and told her I saved his life.
Apparently I was able to counsel him in a way that I didn’t know I was capable of.
The incident changed my life very much–I became a better person generally. I began writing and was more concerned with others. I can’t describe it… It was the best thing ever happened to me. I feel blessed yet am not a particularly religious person. I have begun to be a philosopher of sorts…
I am alive today because of that incident…