Brother Mandus

Mystical Experience of Brother Mandus

Beaumont Mandus (1907 – 1988) was born in Hartlepool, an English seaport town. As a young boy, Mandus thought deeply about metaphysical concepts. Later, he discovered how to meditate, spending hours in sincere devotion. He also began performing spiritual healing and would ultimately go on to found the headquarters for The World Healing Crusade (now the World Healing Centre), in Blackpool, England in 1952.

Today, the World Healing Centre describes itself as “a non-denominational Spiritual Sanctuary and Holistic Healing Centre” that believes in “the freewill choice of self-expression.” The centre further states that it embraces “the individuality of all beings and understand[s] that self-empowerment is the key to a peaceful and fulfilled life.” The organization’s work is “inspired by the many great teachers of our past and present…”

Brother Mandus described his most profound mystical experience as follows:

“I remember now (and I am always recalling it) the greatest experience of my life, that vital moment when I was baptised by the Holy Spirit within. For one perfect second, unexpected, unheralded, and while I was doing a trivial task, my personal mind and body were fused in Light: a breathless unbearable Light-Perfection, as intense as the explosion of a flash of lightning within me… In this timeless second I knew a Love, Knowledge and Ecstasy transcending anything I could understand or describe. I was lifted into the midst of God, in whom all people, all worlds, and every created life or thing moved and had their being. Perfection! Had I been suffering from the worst mental or physical disease known to man, in that Light I should instantly have been made Whole.

In that moment I knew my Lord dwells within my own being, and within everyone else. In that one moment I knew the truth of His eternal reality, and that He is All, and that my Father and I are One, that all people and the Father are One, and that we are all One with each other in spirit.”

Quoted from This Wondrous Way of Life by Brother Mandus.

Photo Credit: Brother Mandus from

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